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Based on Breakthrough Research at Stanford University
& the Famous Stanford "Marshmallow Study"
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Description | 7-Steps to Self-Discipline | Table of Contents | The Stanford Marshmallow Study | The Authors | ORDER DOWNLOAD NOW
"The one quality which sets one man apart from another— the key which lifts one to every aspiration while others are caught up in the mire of mediocrity— is not talent, formal education, nor intellectual brightness— it is self-discipline. With self-discipline all things are possible. Without it, even the simplest goal can seem like the impossible dream."
Theodore Roosevelt
Self-discipline is a deeply rooted, core passion (emotion) that motivates and sustains our actions (motion) over a long period of time. And, self-discipline is a skill that can be learned through a seven-step process detailed in The Neuropsychology of Achievement
To build this passion, the "fire within" you must first know what you want to achieve. The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline shows you how to identify the things that are most important to you and to transform these "desires" into emotion provoking goals and actions necessary to achieve those goals. Below is the seven-step process you will go through as you follow and master the principles detailed in The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline.
The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline is a self-paced audio program that consists of 10 audio sessions and a digital study guide. It is based on research conducted by authors Steve DeVore and Dr. Karl Pribram (the father of the science of neuropsychology) at the Stanford University Neuropsychological Research Laboratories . From their research they discovered a powerful, easy-to-learn formula to develop, as a lifetime mindset and habit, the power of self-motivation and discipline— the secret of lasting success.
Self-Discipline: The Master Key to Success
All lasting success in life is based on our ability to set challenging goals and then to work toward them, no matter how difficult it is or how long it may take, until they are achieved. This ability to motivate ourselves, to persevere and persist until our goals are achieved is "self-discipline."
Self-discipline is a deeply rooted, core passion (emotion) that sustains our actions (motion) over a long period of time. And, self-discipline is a skill that can be learned through a seven-step process detailed in The Neuropsychology of Achievement.
Instant Gratification: The Cause of Most Failure & Disappointment
Today we live in a culture where many people want instant success—wealth, a beautiful body, warm relationships, an knowledge, This "I want it now" mentality is called "instant gratification" and is the number one reason people fail. (See the Stanford Marshmallow Study)
Life's Real Winners
People who reject the value of instant gratification and develop the skill of self-discipline are life's real winners. These are people who have developed "emotional intelligence—they are able to set goals and harness the motivational strength to see it through to their successful fruition— day by day, week by week, month by month, and, if necessary, year by year. They know any worthwhile achievement takes time and sustained effort. They are willing to pay the price. They are self-starters, doers, and finishers.
The good news is that self-discipline is a skill that can be learned. The Neuropsychology of Self-Disciple is where you learn it.
Table of Contents
The Key to Mastering Self-Discipline Discovered
The Famous Stanford Marshmallow Study Proves Self-Discipline is the Key to Life Long Success
The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline is based on the famous Stanford University Marshmallow Study that proves self-discipline or the ability to delay instant-gratification in pursuit of long-term goals and rewards is key to living a successful life. This study was the subject of Elder Dieter F. Uchdorf's April 2010 General Conference Talk "Continue in Patience."
In a 30-year study that began in the 1960s, Stanford University psychology researcher Michael Mischel offered hungry 4-year-olds a marshmallow but told them that if they could wait for the experimenter to return after running an errand, they could have two marshmallows.
Those who could wait the fifteen or twenty minutes for the experimenter to return would be demonstrating the ability to delay gratification and control impulse.
About one-third of of the children grabbed the single marshmallow right away while some waited a little longer, and about one-third were able to wait for the researcher to return with the extra marshmallow.
Years later when the children graduated from high school, the differences between the two groups were dramatic: the resisters were more positive, self-motivating, persistent in the face of difficulties, and able to delay gratification in pursuit of their goals. They had the habits of successful people which resulted in more successful marriages, higher incomes, greater career satisfaction, better health, and more fulfilling lives than most of the population.
Those having grabbed the marshmallow were more troubled, stubborn and indecisive, mistrustful, less self-confident, and still could not put off gratification. They had trouble subordinating immediate impulses to achieve long-range goals. When it was time to study for the big test, they tended to get distracted into doing activities that brought instant gratification This impulse followed them throughout their lives and resulted in unsuccessful marriages, low job satisfaction and income, bad health, and frustrating lives.
Karl Pribram
Psychology Today calls him “The Magellan of Brain Science.” The late Dr. Kari Pribram, founder of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory at Stanford University and former Director of Research for SyberVision, has been making innovative strides in the science of behavior ever since he started practicing as a neurosurgeon. He began making his mark in the medical and psychological fields by earning both a PhD. and an M.D. degree at the University of Chicago in five years. His research into brain function led to his interest in the behavioral sciences, and he is credited for uniting the two into the science of neuropsychology.
Steve DeVore
Steve is the founder of SyberVision and the developer of the acclaimed SyberVision learning system based on research he conducted at the Stanford University Neurological Research Laboratories. Steve collaborated with Dr. Karl Pribram the founder of the modern day science of neuropsychology in the development of SyberVision's learning systems. Steve conducted extensive field research in personal achievement and self-motivational systems at Stanford working
the with Stanford Department of Education and the Department of Athletics. He is renown for his work in visual modeling—how we learn and assimilate (neurologically, psychologically, and cognitively) skills and behaviors from the observation of others.
Steve has designed training systems for both collegiate and professional football, basketball, and baseball teams, U.S. Olympic teams and the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command. Training Center (simulator training for B1-B flight crews flying at 500 mph at 100 foot altitudes in combat situations).
Steve lives in Orem, Utah with his wife Kathy. They are empty nesters with 7 children and 22 grandchildren.
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The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline will dramatically improve your life. That's our GUARANTEE. This powerful self-paced course consists of 10 audio sessions/chapters and a companion personal progress and study guide.
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