These 11 Unlikely Foods Trigger Your Brain's Starvation Defenses & Make You Overweight, Tired & Depressed

   Contrary to what the diet industry wants you to believe, the ingredients in or the way the 11 foods below are processed — even though they're low in fat and sugar and are low-calorie — trigger your brain's starvation defenses. This makes your body store more fat, burn less fat — making you feel tired and lethargic in order to conserve energy and fat stores. This also alters your brain chemistry to make you feel depressed.
                           To learn more about each food, mouse over each image with your curser.

Frozen Low-Fat Meals

Canned Soup

Instant Oatmeal

Egg Substitutes

Turkey Bacon

Low-Fat Mayonaise

Diet Soda & Soft Drinks

Granola, Granola /Cereal Bars

Pretzels & Rice Cakes

Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

Fat-Free Salad Dressing

If you overdue it on sweets and fattening snacks make yourself work to satisfy your cravings. Don't keep them in the house, but make yourself go out to get them. If your sugar fix source is in walking distance that would be the best way to get there. If not, a drive in the car will do.


The more hassle tasty treats are to get, the less likely you are to eat them. As a result your sweets consumption will decline without making you feel deprived.