Lasting weight loss is not easy. Transitioning from a sugar-burning/fat-storing body to a lean, healthy, fat-burning one takes effort, time and patience.
With "The New Neuropsychology of Weight Control" program you can expect to lose on average 3 pounds of fat a week. If you have 50 pounds to lose it will take you almost 6 months. The meaningful and permanent loss of excess body fat demands a day-by-day, week-by-week and month-by-month commitment.
Desire for Quick Results
Most overweight people want near instant results. That's why quick-fix weight loss diets, pills and products flourish in today's marketplace. There's no, quick, magic cure when it comes to weight loss.
Lasting Weight Loss Takes Time & Patience
If you truly want to lose weight and recapture your naturally lean and healthy body you'll have to acquire an understanding of how your body works and how to change it from a fat-storing to a fat-burning metabolism (correct principles).
Then, you'll have to learn how to motivate and govern yourself through the change and transformation process.
"The New Neuropsychology of Weight Control" program gives you the knowledge and a step-by-step plan you need to follow to achieve your weight loss goals and new, healthy body.
"The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline" gives you a proven way to motivate yourself and keep yourself motivated through the weight loss process, no matter how challenging it may be and no matter how long it might take.
The Stanford Marshmallow Study &
"The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline"
SyberVision's "The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline" program was born out of the famous "Stanford Marshmallow Study." In this study, groups of 4-year-old children, all of equal abilities, were given a choice to eat a marshmallow "now" or to wait a number of minutes at which time they could eat more marsh-mallows. This was really a test of the life-long consequences of "instant gratification" versus "delayed gratification." Watch the Dieter Uchtdorf "Stanford Marshmallow Study" Dramatized Video
The children's lives were then followed for over 30 years.Consequences of Instant Gratification Mindset
The researchers learned the 70% of the children who gave in to the instant gratification mindset had, as adults, low levels of education, low incomes, poor personal relationships, and poor physical and mental health — including high rates of obesity.
Consequences of Self-Discipline Mindset
The lives of the 30% who were able to wait for their reward and had a delayed-gratification mindset were just the opposite of those who gave in to instant gratification. In their adult lives they had much higher levels of education, higher incomes, positive and healthy personal relationships, and much better physical and mental health.
Difference Between Failure and Success in Life -- Self-Discipline
The study concluded the difference between overall failure and success in life — to set and achieve desirable but difficult goals was delayed-gratification or self discipline.
Self-Discipline is a Skill That Can Be Learned
The study also concluded that delayed-gratification was not a genetic trait but a skill that can be learned. The Marshmallow Study was featured at the April 2010 LDS Conference in a talk, "Continue in Patience" given by LDS leader Dieter Uchtdorf. Watch Dieter Uchtdorf Marshmallow Study Video
Developed at Stanford University"The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline was a result of the Marshmallow Study and was developed at Stanford by SyberVision founder and co-author of "The New Neuropsychology of Weight Control" Steve DeVore and Dr. Karl Pribram, MD (Neurosurgery, Psychiatry), PhD (Psychology, Physics) and founder of the famed Stanford Neuropsychology Research Laboratory.
Steve DeVore Karl Pribram
Seven Steps to Self-Discipline
The digital audio-based course teaches you a simple seven step formula on how to develop the skill of self-discipline. Combined with "The New Neuropsychology of Weight Control" this course will dramatically increase your chances of weight loss success. You'll be able to start and finish what you start with great success.
Limited-Time 24 Hour Offer
SyberVision is offering, for a Limited-Time the $69.95 "Self-Discipline" program for FREE when you purchase "The New Neuropsychology of Weight Control" at a 50% discount. You'll also receive a FREE "license" (Buddy System) to share the "Weight Control" program with a family member or a friend. Going through the program with someone else dramatically increases your chance of success.
Don't delay, take advantage of this Limited Time Offer Now!