Why Diet Soft Drinks are

100+ Times More Fattening than 

Sugar-Based Drinks

Most overweight people think they’re cutting back on calories by drinking diet soda instead of sugar-based soft drinks. What they don’t know is diet soda is 100 times more fattening than sugar-based soda.

The one thing you thought was safe when you're trying to loose excess body fat is now considered a major cause of obesity and diabetes. Diet soda drinkers are at higher risk for developing diabetes and metabolic syndrome (triggering your brain's starvation defense systems) than those who drink sugared beverages. This promotes abdominal fat, Type II Diabetes, and prevents fat loss.


Artificial Sweeteners and Your Brain's Cephalic Response
Artificial sweeteners confuse your body chemically. Your brain's fat regulating mechanism (the hypothalamus) constantly monitors the levels of sweetness in your blood. When sweet levels get too high or concentrated your brain triggers what's called a "cephalic response." Your blood sugar levels increase to dangerous levels, your body manufacturers excess insulin, your cells become insulin resistant (insulin is needed in the cells to burn fat), you get fatter and your appetite for fatty and sugary (refined carbohydrates) food dramatically increases. This ultimately results in chronic obesity , pre-diabetes and ultimately Type-II Adult-Onset Diabetes.

Here's the catch. Artificial sweeteners used in diet drinks are 180 times more concentrated in sweetness that regular sugar and thus, when consumed, dramatically trigger your brain's cephalic response.


If you insist on drinking soda you're better off drinking soda sweetened with cane sugar. It's not an issue of calories but of concentration of sweetness that makes the difference. A 180 to one difference, in the case of diet soda versus sugar-sweetened soda. As a result, diet drinks are 100 + times more fattening than sugar-based drinks!


Artificial sweeteners make and keep you overweight and increase your cravings for more sweets. They don't help you lose weight, but gain weight as they increase your hunger, cravings more and more for unhealthy foods.

Sodium Also Wrecks Havoc with Your Metabolism
The sodium in all soft drinks raises your blood pressure and damages your body's cell membranes, impairing their ability to convert fat into energy.


Your best bet is to skip diet and regular sodas altogether. Have a homemade fruit/berry/herb infused water when you want liquid options other than plain water. Drink plenty of water as well, and be aware of the effects that the diet soda might have on your  health, body fat, appetite

and eating habits.


"Pharmaceutical diet pills, weight loss supplements and fad, low-calorie starvation diets don't work. What is needed is a firm knowledge of how our fat-storing and fat-burning systems function and the application of that knowledge into lifestyle changes—all combined with the self- discipline to effect them.  —  The New Neuropsychology of Weight Control