Most overweight people are addicted to sugar.
Your body uses sugar to survive, and burns sugar to provide you with the energy necessary for life. Many healthy foods are actually broken down to sugar in the body – through the conversion of complex sugars into simple sugars called glucose. Glucose is a necessary energy source for your body.
Simple Sugars Make You Fat, Unhealthy & Addicted
Simple sugars that come from refined or “simple” carbohydrates (fruit juice, white bread, most “wheat” bread [basically white bread with a little extra fiber], white rice, donuts, cinnamon rolls, bagels, croissants, pretzels, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, waffles, corn chips, cornflakes, cake, jelly beans, sugary drinks, Gatorade, beer, and anything that has high fructose corn syrup on the nutritional label) make you overweight and unhealthy.
And consumed in excess, they become addictive — nearly addictive as tobacco and heroin.
Two Ways Excess Sugar Sabotages Your Body: (1) Your Body Converts Sugar to Fat
Excess glucose is the first problem, and it involves a very simple concept. Anytime you have filled your body with more sugar than it actually needs your liver’s sugar storage capacity is exceeded. When the liver is full, the excess sugar is converted by the liver fat into fat. This fat is returned to your bloodstream where it is taken throughout your body and stored in the stomach, hips, rear end, arms, legs, face and breasts.
Once these areas regions are full of fatty tissue, the fat spills over into your organs — your heart, liver, and kidneys. This reduces organ ability, raises blood pressure, decreases metabolism, and weakens your immune system.
Excess Insulin is the Second Problem.
Insulin is a major hormone in the body and is released in high levels anytime you ingest what would be considered a “simple” carbohydrate. Two actions occur when the insulin levels are spiked. First, the body’s fat burning process is shut down so that the sugar that has just been ingested can be immediately used for energy. Then, in overweight people, insulin takes all that sugar and puts it into your muscles. As soon as the muscles’ are full of sugar, the excess sugars are converted to fat and, just like the fat released from the liver, stored as fatty tissue on our waistline.
Then after the blood sugar has been reduced by going into the muscles or being converted to fat in the liver, the feedback mechanism that tells the body to stop producing insulin is slightly delayed, so blood sugar levels fall even lower, below normal measurements. This causes:
- An immediate increase in appetite, which is usually remedied by eating more sugar;
- The production of a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol triggers the release of stored sugar from the liver to bring blood sugar levels back up, which, combined with the meal you eat from your appetite increase, begins the entire process over again.
This process of destabilizing blood sugar levels and sending your body on a roller coaster ride can occur throughout an entire day, week, month, year or lifetime. The excessive cortisol that accumulates in the body eventually distresses your hormonal system and results in other problems, including a further decrease in metabolism, obesity, depression, allergies, immune weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome and other serious side effects.
One Major Effect is Sugar Addiction
Your body’s constant need and demand for sugar overwhelms your free agency to choose and to change your eating habits. In the sugar addiction mode you’re on a vicious download cycle leading to chronic obesity, diabetes, depression and all of the unpleasant and even fatal consequences of that cycle — if left unchecked.
You Start Can Break that Cycle With Complex Carbohydrates
So how to break that cycle. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates that don’t trigger strong insulin responses and in turn provide long-term, stabilized energy, weight loss and the freedom from disease, unhappiness and even premature aging and death.
Here is a list of carbohydrates that don't trigger such a strong insulin response and instead provide long-term, stabilized energy: apples, oranges, pears, plums, grapes, bananas (not overly ripened), grapefruit, oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat spaghetti and egg fettuccine, whole-wheat pasta, bran cereal, barley, bulgur, basmati, Kashi and other whole grains, beans, peas (especially chick and black-eyed), lentils, whole corn, sweet potatoes, yams, milk, yogurt.
Stay away from processed and packaged foods as much as possible, because they are highly likely to include artificial sweeteners (which have even a worse effect than sugar), as well as simple and refined sugars. Keep your eye out for ingredients that include sucrose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, galactose, glucose, arabinose, ribose, xylose, deoxyribose, lactose, and other fake names for sugars. Even “healthy” juice and many health food products will need to be avoided if they contain high levels of sugar.
One Powerful Antidote to Break Your Sugar Addiction Cycle
If you’re addicted to sugar and decide to make the changes described above, in the initial 30 days of your change effort, your brain’s addiction center will try to overwhelm you with cravings for sugar. Most people can’t cope with these cravings and give up on their weight loss effort.
There’s one sure fire way to beat those cravings, stops them in their tracks and helps solve mid-afternoon energy slumps— organic coconut oil. A few minutes before a meal to create a feeling of fullness and satisfaction, take two tablespoon of organic coconut oil right from the jar. (Costco is a great source), After two tablespoons you shouldn’t be hungry for about four hours.
If you do experience cravings after a meal take a tablespoon of coconut oil to crush the craving. For variety you can even mix it with a little raw cacao powder to make a delicious snack.
It Kills Sugar Cravings, Immediately
Coconut oil is made up of healthy medium-chain fatty acids, or medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Indeed, coconut oil is nature's richest source of MCTs. These fatty acids produce a host of health benefits including appetite, sugar -craving and body fat control.
Here’s How It Works
Your body sends medium-chain fatty acids straight to your liver to use as energy. This means coconut oil is a source of instant energy, much like sugar and other simple carbohydrates. But although both deliver quick energy to your body, unlike the simple carbohydrates, coconut oil does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream. This saves you from a slump, and is really good news for anyone struggling with insulin issues.
Coconut Oil Helps You Lose Excess Body Fat
Again, it's the medium-chain fatty acids. Most plant oils are made up of longer chain fat triglycerides (LCTs). LCTs are typically stored in the body as fat; MCTs are transported directly to the liver, promoting "thermogenesis" which increases the body's metabolism. There are a number of studies that have shown this to be the case. One study in particular shows eating two tablespoons of coconut oil with a meal caused body temperature to rise, boosting metabolism. Plus, MCTs are not easily converted into stored triglycerides and cannot be readily used by the body to make larger fat molecules.
Kills Candida and Yeast Infection Common to the Sugar-Addicted.
Not only does the coconut oil feed your body more slowly and steadily than sugar, it also helps kill off any excessive candida or yeast and even cures and prevents yeast infections — common to the sugar addicted and overweight people in transition from avoiding simple sugar foods. One of the fatty acids in coconut is used by yeast in making their cell walls collapse and the yeast dies.
You’ll Lose the Overwhelming GOTTA HAVE IT NOW Feeling!
Coconut oil is not a 100% cure for everyone with sugar cravings and addiction. Though, it is for many. You may still want sugar, but you’ll be on a much more even keel. You will lose, though, that overwhelming GOTTA HAVE IT NOW feeling. It's really gets down to where your cravings are much more manageable until you overcome the sugar addiction.